Oct 25, 2010

Thirty point buck.

Okay so it wasn't a thirty point, but good enough for us!

Any one who knows the Shakespear's knows that they are die hard deer hunters and me... I come from a family where our deer hunting proceeds from the window of the F350 (which probably scares all the deer away from us). So this was my first 'shot' at Shakespear style hunting, I didn't have a tag but I went along any way. And I would tell you details but I am pretty sure that is forbidden...can't give away the location of the Shakespear's holy hunting ground to any outsiders! hehe.
Saturday was the first day of the hunt and Jim, Mom, David and I headed out to the boonies at 5:30 in the morning! Not such a great start for me because I am so lousy at getting up early and being perky and happy about it. I did get a little sleep on the way but not much because the roads were so terrible due to the immense amount of rain that southern Utah is getting these days. We arrived at our destination to find that they boys that were there already were... still asleep :) so we awoke them with a nice loud horn honk because there was no way we were getting out in that cold fall air. Once they woke up we had a nice pancake, hot chocolate,sausage and egg breakfast (we had a slight mis-communication about who was to bring the bacon... so Jim and I left ours home...oppps). Then we headed out on the hunt. I have to say it was quite exciting to get on a trail and start tracking. For the most part we stayed warm and it only sprinkled on us, so I was very happy about that! I tagged along with Jim since I didn't have a radio of my own and I'm not particularly fond of being by myself in the wild outdoors or getting lost. I am sure that I was too loud and too chatty and too this and too that, but Jim was very nice and only had to reminded me a few times to be quiet. 
As they day went on we finally met up with Mom and she decided that she was done hunting for the day. I decided Jim would probably have more success with out me scaring all the deer away so I was right there with her; we headed back to our nice running water and heated house. On our way we could hear on the radio that they boys were getting pretty close to catching their prey so we stopped and listened as Jim revealed that he had shot his first buck in three years. There was some extreme excitement as we heard Jim, Ryan, Franz and David exchange coordinates and details about the kill. Of course when they all got to Jim... they stopped using their radios, so we were out of the loop and couldn't hear the rest of the exciting story that proceeded as we chugged back to tropic. 

We got back to tropic and later that evening I got a call from Jim, he told me that he had shot a 4 point and that they couldn't get it out of the gully it was in, so they were going to have to wait till morning to get it out and they would have to do that piece by piece. Now I was feeling very thankful that Mom had decided to come home when she did. So I decided to stay at my families house on Saturday night and spend Sunday with them. 
Jim didn't call me till 5 o'clock on Sunday... I was starting to get worried that it was raining there and they couldn't get out ( like during the muzzle loader hunt). They had gotten home and 3 o'clock and taken care of his deer and then called me. I was thankful again that I didn't have to be involved in that part of the deer hunting. 
It was a great weekend and I sure do enjoy being in the wild outdoors with a wonderful family. I am truly blessed to be apart of the Shakespear Clan. 

Oct 10, 2010

Continue in Patience

I love President Uchtdorf and his great insight about having patience. Its something I know that I need to work on cause I would for sure give in and eat the marshmallow before 15 minutes were up. :) I hope you all enjoy this clip as much as I did.


I have decided that I have definitely chosen the right career. Not only do I love to work/Volunteer at North Elementary with English as a Second Language students but I also get to make fun things like these for my classes!
 These are mine and Jim's newest additions to our family. :)

 This one didn't work quite like I wanted it too. Her head wouldn't stay up so I had to hold it.
This is my favorite one! He is a marionette and he is so great!